Beam propagation backend

The executable of the beam propagation backend is named bpm-solver and can be called in any terminal with the conda environment for nemaktis activated.

bpm-solver relies on json-like configuration file, so you don’t have to touch to any C++ code if you just want to use the method. To generate a default configuration file, run:

bpm-solver -c [Name of the configuration file]

All parameters in this configuration file are fully documented, so you should be able to understand how to make the code working just by reading and ajusting the parameters in this file. More information on the subtleties of this code will be added later on this wiki, for now we will just mention that the input vti file for the director field can be created directly with the high-level interface (see DirectorField).

Once you are satisfied with the change you made to your configuration file, you can actually run the code by typing:

bpm-solver -x [Name of the configuration file]